Ruedi Hug

Born in 1965 and raised in Mels SG, Ruedi Hug experienced a lively youth in the countryside characterized by discovery. His curiosity and openness to new things accompany him in his activities to this day. Numerous further training courses enabled him to deepen his knowledge in the fields of technology, business administration and teaching. What he learned helped him to acquire a wide range of professional tools in over 25 years in management positions at Siemens and at the Zumtobel Group, a leading medium-sized company in the European lighting industry. As the responsible head of an educational institution, he was also able to recognize the importance of the process of transforming passive knowledge into lived skills. He has accompanied numerous people on this path.

Through his many years as CEO and managing director, he knows the numerous challenges that a company or its managers and employees face on a daily basis. As CEO, he had the courage to address numerous corporate issues with a coach and to disclose this collaboration internally and externally. A coach promotes your own personal development and supports your mental, emotional and character development. He was able to observe how, through collaboration with his coach and with the people in the company, the employee satisfaction grows and the commitment of all company employees increases. People find meaning in their tasks and experience themselves as part of something important and big. As the father of two grown-up children, he has also experienced how important mutual respect and appreciation are.

In his work, he focuses on the self-empowerment of people and employees so that they can increasingly take care of the realization of personal and corporate goals in a self-determined manner without outside support. As a result, personal life energy increases and people experience fulfillment and fun in all private and professional contexts.

Georg Harald Zawadzky-Krasnopolsky

In his activities as an officer in the intelligence service, as a district director of an insurance group, as a legal advisor and expert for old-age pensions, as a lecturer for personnel management at universities in Germany and Switzerland, as an entrepreneur, as a coach, trainer and mentor, Georg Harald Zawadzky-Krasnopolsky has been able to observe time after time: Social systems function according to rules other than those that self-appointed specialists claim to apply. And this was accompanied by another observation: What was described to him as the exception in social systems was rather the rule of how they function. He led his life as a man, as a husband, as a lover, and above all as a father, as well as he could in each case. Three marriages and five children – his own as well as those of a partner – contributed decisively to becoming who he is today. The distinction between a professional and a private person, which he heard over and over again, he could only observe in these roles. It took some self-reflection on his life before he gained the clarity that he was not these roles.

At the end of all efforts, only results count. It is not statistics or embellished reports that reflect reality. It is the tangible, observable effects in their diversity. It is not about “right” and “wrong”, about “good” or “bad”. It’s about pragmatically observing how we achieved certain results and what price we actually paid for them.

Helping other people to recognize their potential, to use it, and to determine and follow their own path – free of social limitations (such as age, social status, schooling) and free of the basic beliefs adopted by others – best describes his approach to work.